Food is composed of different chemical elements, arranged in a variety of way to form molecules. These molecules collectively give individual foods their flavour, colour and texture and affect their reaction to heat and their digestion

The body uses some of the molecules in food in function correctly and to stay healty. These are the nutrients.

Source: Food and nutrition by Anita Tull

Halal - A Worldwide Challenge
In our ever progressive world, it has become increasingly challenging for Muslims to determine whether the food or drinks they consume are religiously acceptable or halal. This halal and non-halal problem is not only limited to food and beverage but also to other products and services.

One of the main aims of this website is to provide a centralised source for halal products and services based on the certification by the Malaysian Authority and other responsible authorities recognised by Muslims worldwide.

Muslims in Non-Islamic Countries - For Muslims living in a totally Islamic country like Saudi Arabia, the halal question is not an issue at all. For those living in a multiracial Muslim country like Malaysia, although halal food or services are readily available and easy to obtain, there is a need for the authority to monitor and enforce standards to ensure halalness particularly when the products or services are made, sold, prepared or provided by non-Muslims. However, the real challenge is for Muslims living in a country whose population is predominantly non-Muslims. Extra diligence is needed for these Muslims to enjoy everything halal.

Halal Central

Halal supply and demand - There is one thing in common among Muslims whether they live in a Muslim country like Malaysia or elsewhere, procurement and supply of halal produce, products or services can be restrictive if one depends only on local sources or markets - variety is limited or quality can be compromised.

Halal Central Market -This website serves to aid Muslims (and non-Muslims) in procurement and supply of halal products and services. It is our aim to provide a commonplace for manufacturers, suppliers, importers, exporters, traders, wholesalers, retailers and consumers who are interested in halal productsand services. Malaysian and non-Malaysians alike can take advantage of the opportunities available on this site.

Source of Information on Halal - Not only will this website be a Central Market for halal products and services but it will also be a source of information on halal and its current issues. 


More info for halal food:

  • Other cereals – beans, noodles, pasta, oats, maize and cornmeal.
  • These food groups are rich in

        (a) Energy

        (b) Carbohydrate

        (c) B vitamins

        (d) Selenium

        (f) Calcium and iron.

        (g) Fibre

  • Fibre in the food on this group is necessary for digestion.
  • Insoluble fibre (found in cereals, as well as in fibrous vegetable and nuts) – help to prevent constipation.
  • Soluble fibre (found in oats) – help reduce blood cholesterol and to even out the peaks in blood sugar level.


Food provides the great mainstream of the nutrients. Human body needs nutrients to stay healthy. Many nutrients can only be supplied by the food you eat. Two kinds of nutrients called macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Carbohydrates and fats supply the body with energy. Fats supply essential fatty acids the body cannot make for itself and carry the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Protein supply amino acids, needed for muscle growth, lean tissue and cell restore.

Micronutrients – minerals and vitamins. Minerals are used by the body for development and repair and to control body processes.

Table below explain about two kinds of vitamin.



Vitamins B and C

Vitamins A, D, E and K

Not stored in the body – must be eaten daily to prevent deficiency.

Can be stored in the body and some toxic(vitamins A and D) if taken overload.